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Require verified address

The require_verified_address action is used on login triggers. As the name suggests, this action requires users to have a verified email address before they are able to sign in to the application.

For example, if you want to ensure that only users with a verified email address are able to access your application, you can use the require_verified_address action on the login trigger. This action will check whether the user's email address has been verified before allowing them to sign in. If the email address has not been verified, the user will not be able to sign in and will receive an error message.

By using the require_verified_address action, you can improve the security of your application and ensure that only users with a verified email address are able to access the application. This can help prevent unauthorized access and improve the overall security of your application.

Toggle action

Follow these steps to toggle this action on or off:

  1. Go to AuthenticationEmail verification in the Ory Console.
  2. Toggle Require Verified Address for Login.
  3. Click Save.